Keep Informed About Bird Flu
Stay Strong and Vigilant Practice the 3 W’s – Wear your mask where required. Watch your distance. Wash your hands. These simple measures are truly more important than ever and can help save lives. Keep advised on vaccine availability!!! For vaccine information and notifications in your county along with trusted information on the…
COVID-19 INFORMATION: The Village of Port Barrington shall be following the guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the Illinois Dept of Public Health regarding the coronavirus. Please click on the links below that will explain the nature of the virus and how you can protect your home and family…
The Hermann Park ice rink has frozen beautifully is now open every day until 10PM! Please note that there is no supervision and you must skate (or sometimes shovel!) at your own risk. A snow shovel is available at the side door of the Village Hall. Please return it when done!
The Village of Port Barrington and the Village of Wauconda have teamed up to answer resident complaints in code enforcement. Resident complaints regarding overnight parking, unleashed dogs, yard maintenance and other ordinance violations have been addressed with the intergovernmental agreement between Port Barrington and Wauconda. The agreement is two-fold: First, it will provide a Code…
Please view the Fox Waterway Agency website for up to date information on the state of the Fox River. Please be sure to view our particular stretch of the river for conditions in our area. Another great source for flood predictions and what to do before, during or after a flood can be found…
Keith Vogeler, President
Nancy Bachal, Village Clerk
Elizabeth Schroeder, Deputy Clerk
Jennifer Jurkowski, Trustee (Building & Zoning)
David Corrigan, Trustee (Streets & Roads)
John Grothendick, Trustee (Finance)
Brian Lawrence, Trustee (Health & Safety)
Jason Suddeth, Trustee (Parks & Beaches)
Bob Tuke, Trustee (Community Relations)
Committees of the Whole 1st Wed at 7:00 pm
Recreation Committee 2nd Mon at 6:00 pm Planning Commission 2nd Tues at 7:00 pm Village Board of Trustees 3rd Wed at 7:00 pm
Meetings are held at the Village Hall and are open to the public.
69 S. Circle Avenue, Port Barrington, IL 60010-1001
Monday: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm Tuesday: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Friday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm Closed daily: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
PH: (847) 639-7595 EMAIL:
Click here to pay vehicle tax online.
Please provide “Resident ID” from the letter you received in the mail, “PB House #” which is the numeric part of your street address only, and click the SEARCH button. Then continue to follow the prompts.
To request OVERNIGHT PARKING, please click here.”