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New Meeting Calendar Posted
The Village Board of Trustees approved this year’s meeting calendar. Their meetings will be on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 7PM unless otherwise posted. The Planning Commission / Zoning Board of Appeals will meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Please click below to view the meeting schedules for 2023. Happy…
COVID-19 INFORMATION: The Village of Port Barrington shall be following the guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the Illinois Dept of Public Health regarding the coronavirus. Please click on the links below that will explain the nature of the virus and how you can protect your home and family…
Protect Your Health/Home from Radon
The McHenry County Department of Health encourages all residents to test their homes for radon as part of National Radon Action Month. Radon is a naturally occurring colorless, odorless, tasteless, radioactive gas produced during the natural decay of uranium, an element that occurs in rock and soil of the earth’s crust. Radon can enter a…
What is McHenry Co Conservation District’s Proposition 2024 on the ballot?
This Fall, residents of McHenry County will have the opportunity to vote on a proposition put forward by the Board of Trustees of the McHenry County Conservation District, to increase the limiting rate to protect water quality, preserve wildlife habitat, and improve outdoor recreation access for all. The average homeowner in McHenry County would only pay an…
The Illinois Funds E-Pay system the Village uses to accept online electronic payments for annual Vehicle Tax is available for convenient payment. It can be accessed from the link towards the bottom of this website’s home page. You will need to input the Resident ID number found on the letter you received in the mail…
COVID Update: Easing Mask Mandates
Governor JB Pritzker announced easing restrictions on the statewide mask mandate for indoor settings, to be effective February 28, 2022. Read Governor Pritzker’s press release, click here. For up-to-date information on the COVID -19 Pandemic, click here