Affordable Housing Plan Update Proposed- Public Hearing January 15, 2025

The Village Board will be holding a Public Hearing prior to their Regular Board Meeting on January 15, 2025 at 7:00PM for comment on proposed update to the Village Affordable Housing Plan, required by the Illinois Housing Development  Authority. Please see the Notice of Public Hearing >>HERE<<  For a draft of the Plan itself, please…

Water Testing Kits at Village Hall

McHenry County Department of Health and Lake County Health Department are offering reduced fee water testing for individual well users. Residents are encouraged to have their well water tested annually for coliform bacteria and nitrates. Sampling kits can be picked up at the Village Hall. *You must collect and return your sample to the appropriate…

Village Planning Commission Vacancies

The Village Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals currently has one vacancy. The PC/ZBA hears variance requests, holds public hearings for input from residents, and serves in an advisory capacity to the Village Board of Trustees. This Commission meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. If you are interested in serving your community…

*New* SWALCO Textile Bin – Fox Trail Park

Stop by Fox Trail Park and check out the new SWALCO Textile Recycling Bin! The Village of Port Barrington has partnered with SWALCO to help divert items from landfills responsibly, assist our local community, and support our greater environment and planet beyond. A complete list of acceptable and non-acceptable items/materials is here: Shoes cannot…


The Illinois Funds E-Pay system the Village uses to accept online electronic payments for annual Vehicle Tax is available for convenient payment. It can be accessed from the link towards the bottom of this website’s home page. You will need to input the Resident ID number found on the letter you received in the mail…

MCDH encourages private well testing during Groundwater Awareness Week

McHenry County is 100% dependent upon groundwater for its source of drinking water, which is why it is essential to be proactive and make water well maintenance part of annual home maintenance during Groundwater Awareness Week, March 6 to March 12.   For household water well owners, how they manage their well systems and property can…